Associate Degree in Graphic Design @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Associate Degree in Graphic Design

  • Pencil Colouring
  • Abstract Painting
  • Human Potrait

As new creative innovative ways to communicate an idea, product or service continues, the greater is the demand for graphic designers in the graphic design and visual communication.

The Diploma in Graphic Design and Multimedia programme is a comprehensive course designed towards providing the relevant skills in acquiring knowledge and research, and applying them to design solutions for industry-related projects, which includes 2 dimensional visual communication and digital interactive design. Our graduates are versatile, industry savvy, multi-skilled, multi-tasking individuals who are trained to succeed in the wide & exciting world of graphic design.

Students are exposed to a wide range of graphic design & art direction techniques. This broad exposure enables students to focus on applying their skills on real Industry projects. Students will have the added advantage of an entire semester of Practical Internship with the best and most renowned companies in the Creative Industries.

At the end of the programme, they will also be able to develop effective strategies for goal setting, time management and to execute design concepts to a professional standard. They will be the new generation of highly skilled creative innovative global workforce!

Alumni Profile
Pang Khee Teik

Pang Khee Teik

Arts Programme Director, Annexe Gallery

I think schools that teach creativity have an important role to play in challenging our artists to empower our collective imagination.

Career Opportunities
  • Creative Directors
  • Illustrators/Storyboard Artists
  • Advertising Managers
  • Packaging Designers
  • Brand Manager
  • Packaging Design Consultant
  • Brand Positioning Strategist
  • Education
  • Brand Consultant
  • Marketing Sales
  • Digital Imaging Specialist
  • Desktop Publisher
  • Brand Identity Designer
  • Production Coordinator
  • Production Director
  • Pre-Press Specialists
  • Production Manager
  • Design Management Consultant
  • Design Researcher
  • Design Education
  • Design Business Entrepreneur
About the Industry
Arts & Design

Art & design is the application of design and aesthetics to objects of function and everyday use. Whereas fine arts serve as intellectual stimulation to the viewer or academic sensibilities, the applied arts incorporate design and creative ideals to objects of utility, such as a cup, magazine or decorative park bench. There is considerable overlap between the field and that of the decorative arts; to some extent they are alternative terms.

Industry Partner


The Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association/Malaysia Plastics Design Centre and Limkokwing-MDI…

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